A hybrid-integrated transmitter-receiver module based on a modern element base with a solid-state transmitter power amplifier, designed to operate as part of an airborne weather radar.
MRP provides:
reception of the reflected signal, its amplification, conversion to an intermediate frequency and adjustment of the amplitude of the output signal;
the formation of coherent radio pulses with amplitude, phase modulation and converting them to the operating frequency;
the issuance of the generated signal to the control output or to the terminal power amplifier;
forming a reference frequency for an external control and processing unit.
PPM Operating frequency range …….............……………………… .X
switching step of the output workers, MHz ........................... 2
relative instability during operation .............................±1Ñ…10-7
switching time of the output operating
frequencies, μs .................................................................................2
relative power spectral density of phase fluctuations relative to the carrier at the detuning 1.0 kHz,
dB / Hz ........................................................................................ -100
relative discrete level spectral components in the signal spectrum, dB …………………………………………………………………….-80